31 research outputs found

    HII: Histogram Inverted Index For Fast Images Retrieval

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    This work aims to improve the speed of search by creating an indexing structure in CBIR system. We utilised an inverted index structure that usually used in text retrieval with a modification. The modified inverted index is built based on histogram data that generated using Multi Texton Histogram (MTH) and Multi Texton Co-Occurrence Descriptor (MTCD) from 10,000 images of Corel dataset. When building the inverted index, we normalised value of each feature into a real number and considered pairs of feature and value that owned by a particular number of images. Based on our investigation, on MTCD histogram of 5,000 data test, we found that by considering histogram variable values which owned by maximum 12% of images, the number of comparison for each query can be reduced by 67.47% in a rate, the precision is 82.2%, and the rate of access to disk is 32.83%. Furthermore, we named our approach as Histogram Inverted Index (HII).

    CBIR of Batik Images using Micro Structure Descriptor on Android

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    Batik is part of a culture that has long developed and known by the people of Indonesia and the world. However, the knowledge is only on the name of batik, not at a more detailed level, such as image characteristic and batik motifs. Batik motif is very diverse, different areas have their own motifs and patterns related to local customs and values. Therefore, it is important to introduce knowledge about batik motifs and patterns effectively and efficiently. So, we build CBIR batik using Micro-Structure Descriptor (MSD) method on Android platform. The data used consisted of 300 images with 50 classes with each class consists of six images. Performance test is held in three scenarios, which the data is divided as test data and data train, with the ratio of scenario 1 is 50%: 50%, scenario 2 is 70%, 30%, and scenario 3 is 80%: 20%. The best results are generated by scenario 3 with precision valur 65.67% and recall value 65.80%, which indicates that the use of MSD on the android platform for CBIR batik performs well

    Re-Ranking Image Retrieval on Multi Texton Co-Occurrence Descriptor Using K-Nearest Neighbor

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    Some features commonly used to conduct image retrieval are color, texture and edge. Multi Texton Co-Occurrence Descriptor (MTCD) is a method which uses all three features to perform image retrieval. This method has a high precision when doing retrieval on a patterned image such as Batik images. However, for images focusing on object detection like corel images, its precision decreases. This study proposes the use of KNN method to improve the precision of MTCD method by re-ranking the retrieval results from MTCD. The results show that the method is able to increase the precision by 0.8% for Batik images and 9% for corel images

    Peringkasan Tweet Berdasarkan Trending Topic Twitter Dengan Pembobotan TF-IDF dan Single Linkage Angglomerative Hierarchical Clustering

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    Fitur yang paling sering digunakan pada Twitter ialah Trending Topic. Trending Topic merupakan fitur yang menampilkan beberapa hashtag berisi topik yang sedang trend saat ini. Jika pengguna ingin mengetahui informasi mengenai suatu trending topic, pengguna bisa mengklik salah satu hashtag dan barulah muncul beberapa tweet terkait dengan hashtag tersebut. Agar menghemat waktu pengguna Twitter dalam membaca suatu trending topic tanpa perlu membaca beberapa tweet terlebih dahulu, maka dilakukanlah analisa dengan tujuan membuat text summarization untuk trending topic pada Twitter menggunakan algoritma TF-IDF dan Single Linkage Agglomerative Hierarchical Clustering. Penelitian ini menggunakan 100 trending topic untuk data tes pada sistem dan setiap trending topic terdiri atas 50 tweet berbahasa indonesia, sedangkan untuk pengujian digunakan 30 data trending topic diambil secara acak (data mewakili trending topic dengan sub tema minimal 2 dan maksimal 9 dari 100 data tes pada sistem). Dari 30 data pengujian, 1 data menghasilkan semua ringkasan sama persis dengan ahli,  dan 29 data menghasilkan 1-4  ringkasan sama persis dengan ahli (terdiri atas 2-9 ringkasan untuk setiap trending topic)

    Image Retrieval Based on Texton Frequency-Inverse Image Frequency

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    In image retrieval, the user hopes to find the desired image by entering another image as a query. In this paper, the approach used to find similarities between images is feature weighting, where between one feature with another feature has a different weight. Likewise, the same features in different images may have different weights. This approach is similar to the term weighting model that usually implemented in document retrieval, where the system will search for keywords from each document and then give different weights to each keyword. In this research, the method of weighting the TF-IIF (Texton Frequency-Inverse Image Frequency) method proposed, this method will extract critical features in an image based on the frequency of the appearance of texton in an image, and the appearance of the texton in another image. That is, the more often a texton appears in an image, and the less texton appears in another image, the higher the weight. The results obtained indicate that the proposed method can increase the value of precision by 7% compared to the previous method

    Classification of batik patterns using k-nearest neighbor and support vector machine

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    This study is proposed to compare which are the better method to classify Batik image between K-Nearest neighbor and Support Vector Machine using minimum features of GLCM. The proposed steps are started by converting image to grayscale and extracting colour feature using four features of GLCM. The features include Energy, Entropy, Contras, Correlation and 0o, 45o, 90o and 135o. The classifier features consist of 16 features in total. In the experimental result, there exist comparison of previous works regarding the classification KNN and SVM using Multi Texton Histogram. The experiments are carried out in the form of calculation of accuracy with data sharing and cross-validation scenario. From the test results, the average accuracy for KNN is 78.3% and 92.3% for SVM in the cross-validation scenario. The scenario for the highest accuracy of data sharing is at 70% for KNN and at 100% for SVM. Thus, it is apparent that the application of the GLCM and SVM method for extracting and classifying batik motifs has been effective and better than previous work